If convicted, a burglary charge can have harsh legal repercussions even though it is not classified as severely as a similar robbery charge. Burglaries are felonies, so they can have severe debilitating effects on your social, professional, and financial lives. In light of the seriousness and complexity of burglary charges, finding a solution to your problem and understanding your options are both vital to your chances of success.
A burglary charge carries all sorts of possible negative ramifications, and a criminal defense attorney with experience and expertise will ensure that your rights are protected while presenting an effective argument to counter the claims against you. If you are found guilty, you may face serious penalties, but an experienced criminal defense attorney will help you with your case.
Based on the state where the offense is being prosecuted, the consequences of an aggravated burglary charge may differ. Not every state has a penal code that sets out clearly the consequences of aggravated burglary charges, and many parole laws treat offenders differently.
If you are ready to get help with your case and need aggravated burglary defense, be sure to reach out to Michael T Kossen at (303) 791-6500 today.