Let An Attorney Help You With Your Possession with Intent to Distribute Case
Any drug charges are serious, but if you are charged with possession with intent to distribute, you could be facing serious penalties. In many cases, people who are arrested on these charges are innocent and can have the charges dropped or reduced by an attorney. Call Attorney Michael T. Kossen for help with your case.
What Is Intent To Distribute?
When you are arrested on drug charges, law enforcement may look at the amount of drugs you have on you or the way they are packaged and decide that you intended on selling these drugs later, this can add to your drug possession charges and lead to bigger fines or even a jail sentence.
How Can An Attorney Help Me?
If you have been charged with possession with intent to distribute, an attorney will review your case and determine how to get the charges dropped or reduced. Your attorney will make sure your arrest was legal and that the officers had a reason to search you and make the charges against you. Your attorney will do everything possible to ensure you are treated fairly by the court system.
Let An Experienced Attorney Help You With Your Drug Charges
If you have been charged with possession with intent to distribute and want to fight the charges, Attorney Michael T. Kossen can help. You don’t have to face drug charges alone, you can hire an experienced attorney to fight for you. Call (303) 791-6500 today.