When someone makes a statement or statements against you that are false and they cause harm to you, they have committed defamation. If the statement happens to be oral, it is considered slander. There is another form called libel and this takes place if someone was to print in a magazine, ad, newspaper, or another print medium. If this act is committed against you or you are charged with this crime, you will need to hire a defamation defense lawyer immediately. You may need an attorney to help you.
In the light of the Internet age, many sensitive subjects have become commonplace things. Even so, this does not make them any less immoral or illegal when committed. Statements regarding sexual misconduct, sexually transmitted disease, or having committed a serious crime are all allegations that can be perceived as defamation “per se” statements.
Alongside with the dynamic spreading of social media influence, even one review on the Yelp website or a certain video on YouTube that denigrate you or your business can easily devastate it. Sometimes salespeople who are your competitors may extend untrue negative information regarding one of your services or products, or possibly financial actives of your business, with an intention to make your customers change their choice in another company’s favor. Such deceitful claims can also ruin your strong mutual connections with your potential or actual investors or your lenders. Sometimes it may also be a reason for your business to be accused of some unlawful activities.
There are many different ways defamation or slander can hurt you. For example, your professional talents or your business are called into question, you could find your whole way of living demolished. On the other hand, if the reverse is the case and you are charged with slander, libel, or defamation, you could find yourself in a legal bind that flips your livelihood upside down.
If you need help with your slander case,be sure to give us a call at (303) 791-6500 to make plans for your case.